This module is composed of two voltage controlled comparators which are gate outputs that turn on when an input voltage exceeds a threshold voltage. Four additional gate outputs turn off and on depending on the relative outputs of the comparators. This was initially designed as a way to add soft-sync features to VCOs that only have hard-sync, but has also been useful for turning envelope generators into gated loops
This design can be used with +/-15V systems with a few resistor value changes.
For complete descriptions of the way the module is used, and how to build it, including schematics and parts list; download this PDF file.
Boards and panels are available now. Price for a PCB is $8.
Unfinished eurorack
panels are available for this project, they are 8HP and cost $8 each.
There is
more information here about panels. If you're interested in drilling your own panel for
this project, feel free to use my
drill guide. That image should be printed at 300dpi for proper