How to order

I now have a webstore, so the easiest way to order is through there. Click the "store" button below to go there. You can still email in orders if you prefer to do it the old fashioned way.

if the webstore is down or you have a special request then:
E-mail me! and tell me the following:

  1. What you're interested in ordering (and what quantities).
  2. What country it will be shipping to.
  3. What your paypal related e-mail address is.

I will send you a paypal invoice for the order and an e-mail. Most orders ship out within a couple of days of receiving your initial email.

Other places to order

If you prefer buying a full kit instead of only PCB/PIC/Panel, my projects are also available from these fine retailers:

If you have missing parts in a kit you bought from one of the above, please contact their customer service. If you need help troubleshooting or wiring your module, feel free to email me.


Shipping costs are determined by where you are and what size order you're placing. The two sizes of orders are:

Where You are Price Estimated
Letter Package
United States of America $1 $4 2-5 days
Other North America $1.50 $10 1-2 weeks
Europe and U.K. $3.5 $12 1-4 weeks
South America $3.5 $12 1-4 weeks
Asia, Australia, Africa $3.5 $12 2-5 weeks

If you live outside the USA and can program your own PICs, I'm happy to just send PCBs and then email you the code so your order can be sent as a letter.

current price list

Projects labeled Digital require a pre-programmed PIC, projects labeled Analog do not.
Panels are unfinished aluminum, click here for more information on them.
If you're interested in buying ICs for some of these projects, Click here.
If you'd like to purchase a fully built module, Click here.
Model # Name Digital
BMC001 Simple Quantizer Digital $14 $8 6HP
BMC003 Arppegiator Digital $16 $7 8HP
BMC003X Arpeggiator Expander Analog $9 $7 8HP
BMC004 VC Clock Divider Digital $24 $9 16HP
BMC006 Voltage to Rhythm Digital $24 $9 16HP
BMC008 Multi Window Comparator Digital $20 $8 10HP
BMC009 User Writable Quantizer Digital $22 $8 12HP
BMC011 Waveform Animator Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC013 Random Resonator Digital $18 $8 6HP
BMC014 Gate Delay Digital $14 $8 6HP
BMC015 VCA/MIXER Analog $8 $8 12HP
BMC016 Dual Nice Quantizer Digital $18 $8 12HP
BMC017 2xLFO+SH Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC018 Analog Drum Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC019 Delaying AR Digital $16 $8 8HP
BMC020 1 Song Digital $18 $8 8HP
BMC021 Full Wave
Dual Rectifier
Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC022 Automated Sequencer Digital $20 $8 12HP
BMC023 Analog Decaying Noise Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC024 Midi To Gate Digital $26 $8 8HP
BMC025 FM Drum Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC026 Rando Chordo Digital $18 $8 8HP
BMC027 Random Rhythms Digital $18 $9 16HP
BMC028 Live Rhythm Quantizer Digital $16 $8 6HP
BMC029 Single Multiplier
Digital $14 $ 8 6HP
BMC030 Guitar Input Analog $8 $8 12HP
BMC031 QTLFO Analog $8 $ 8 8HP
BMC032 Blended Bandpass Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC033 4046 Shaper Analog $8 $ 8 12HP
BMC034 Switched Resistor
Voltage Controlled Filter
Analog $8 $8 10HP
BMC035 Bytewise Operator Digital $18 $8 8HP
BMC035X Bytewise Expander Analog $7 $8 8HP
BMC036 Digital Hi Hat Digital $18 $8 8HP
BMC037 Eurorack Buffer Analog $8 $8 10HP
BMC038 Panel Keyboard Digital $18 $8 10HP
BMC039 Step Rhythm Sequencer Digital $20 $9 14HP
BMC040 Dual Logic Digital $16 $8 6HP
BMC041 CV Spreader Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC042 Simple Attack/Release
Digital $14 $8 6HP
BMC043 4x Decay Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC044 4 Knob Sequencer Digital $18 $8 10HP
BMC045 Programmable Router Digital $26 $9 14HP
BMC046 Digital Noise Digital $16 $8 6HP
BMC047 Balanced Outptus Analog $8 $12 14HP
BMC048 Single Random Rhythm Digital $16 $8 6HP
BMC049 Attenuverting Mixer Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC050 Manual Voltages Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC051 Preset Rhythms Digital $16 $8 10HP
BMC052 Chordizer Digital $18 $8 12HP
BMC053 4 Quadrant Multiplier
and Panner
Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC054 Stereo Outputs Analog $8 $8 12HP
BMC055 Sallen-Key
Voltage Controlled Filter
Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC056 Utility Buttons Digital $16 $8 8HP
BMC057 Gated Slew Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC058 Yes/No/Maybe Digital $26 $9 14HP
BMC059 MultiPWM Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC060 Toggle Quantzier Digital $18 $8 8HP
BMC061 VC Multiplexer Digital $16 $8 8HP
BMC062 Simple Blend Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC063 Binary Counter Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC064 Decade Counter Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC065 3-In 4-Out
Logic Gates
Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC066 2 x 3 Buffer Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC067 4x Volt Inverter Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC068 Unity Mixer Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC069 Gate To Trigger Converter Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC070 Trigger To Gate Converter Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC071 Dual Latches Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC072 3-In 4-Out
Logic Gates
Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC073 4-Knob Dual-Decaying Noise Digital $18 $8 8HP
BMC074 Attenuate Offset Invert Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC075 Envelope Follower Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC076 Commn Input
Logic Gates
Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC077 Parallel DAC Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC078 Infrared Input Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC079 Rise/Fall Detector Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC080 Diode LPF Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC081 Quad Gate Inverter Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC082 Quad Triangle Frequency Doubler Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC083 VC Delay Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC084 2Ch Voltage To Rhythm Digital $14 $8 6HP
BMC085 2VCLFO Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC086 VC High Pass Filter Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC087 VC Release Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC088 PWM VCA/BLEND Analog $8 $8 10HP
BMC089 Transposer Digital $14 $8 6HP
BMC091 10 Band Equalizer Analog $8 $8 10HP
BMC092 Sample Release Analog $8 $8 10HP
BMC093 Diode Shaper VCA Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC094 Trimmed Balanced Outs Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC095 NOR Subharmonizer Analog $8 $8 10HP
BMC096 4LFO Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC097 Rectifier/Recombiner Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC098 Toggle Router Analog $8 $8 12HP
BMC099 Dual AR Generator Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC100 Deluxe DAN Analog $8 $8 10HP
BMC101 Electret Microphone Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC102 Synchronized Resonator Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC103 Clipper Bank Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC104 Parallel Melody Generator Digital $22 $8 6HP
BMC105 JFET Phaser Analog $10 $8 6HP
BMC106 Resonant Glide Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC107 Dual Comparator Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC108 Midi to CV Converter Digital $18 $8 6HP
BMC109 VC Distortion Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC110 Rhythm To Voltage Analog $10 $8 14HP
BMC111 CMOS Chime Analog $8 $8 8HP
BMC112 Divided Step Sequencer Analog $10 $8 10HP
BMC113 Volt Compute Analog $8 $7 4HP
BMC114 Diode Break Shaper Analog $8 $8 10HP
BMC115 Resonance Loop VCF Analog $8 $8 6HP
BMC116 VC Burst Generator Digital $14 $8 6HP
BMC117 Simple Square VCO Digital $14 $7 4HP
BMC118 Graphic Envelope Generator Digital $20 $8 16HP
BMC119 Digital Voltage Shift Register Digital $18 $8 10HP
BMC120 Digital Depth VCO Digital $18 $8 10HP
7805 to LM317 Converter Analog $2