BMC114 Diode Break Shaper

picture of the module

This module splits a waveform into 5 bands of voltage ranges and then mixes those bands together with attenuverters. The break points between bands can be controlled with external CV. This allows for harmonically complex outputs that remind me of strings and woodwinds.

Compatible with 12V or 15V systems. The Pots are PCB mounted, but all jacks are off-board.

Audio Demo: Without external CV for break voltages

Audio Demo: Withexternal CV for break voltages

Boards are available now. Price for a PCB is $8.
Unfinished eurorack panels are available for this project, they are 10HP and cost $8 each. There is more information here about panels. If you're interested in drilling your own panel for this project, feel free to use my drill guide. That image should be printed at 300dpi for proper scaling.