BMC111 CMOS Chime

picture of the module

This is a percussive voice composed of four CMOS square wave oscillators with manual frequency controls. The harmonies between them create metallic chiming sounds. Two of the oscillators have mute switches to simplify the sound, and a loop toggle allows you to create repeating sounds.

Compatible with 12V or 15V systems, PC mounted pots, but jacks/toggles are offboard.

Audio Demo: This demo starts with two oscillators only and tune is adjusted. A third oscillator is added, then a fourth with tuning constantly tweaked. The decay is then altered and the loop switch engaged.
Turn your volume down a bit before playing this

Boards are available now. Price for 1 PCB is $8.
Unfinished eurorack panels are available for this project, they are 8HP and cost $8 each. There is more information here about panels. If you're interested in drilling your own panel for this project, feel free to use my drill guide. That image should be printed at 300dpi for proper scaling.